Functions Documentation
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Name shpCanInstallDevice
Syntax (shpCanInstallDevice ship itemStruct)
Argument List ship: The ship that you want to see if it can equip the device.
itemStruct: The device you want to see if it can be equipped.
Returns number: 0 if it can be installed, 2 the ship can not support any more devices, 4 can install will also remove shield, 5 can install will also remove drive, 6 can install will also remove missile launcher, 7 can not reactor not powerful enough, 8 can not install already have a cargo hold, 9 can install will also remove reactor, 10 can not install cargo expansion to large for the ship, 11 can not install creator too powerful, 12 can not install too many weapons, 13 can not install too many non weapons.
Category ship
Description Checks to see if the ship can install that device.
Example Checks to see if the ship can install that device.
Comment Returns a number instead of a condition to allow for reasons why it can not install the device.