Functions Documentation
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Name typSetGlobalData
Syntax (typSetGlobalData UNID key value)
Argument List UNID: The UNID of the type you want to set the data of.
key: The name of the data you want to set.
value: The value that the data will be.
Returns True if successful.
Category unid, type, data, 0.99
Description Sets the data in the given design type to the passed in data.
(typSetGlobalData &itSolarPanelArray; "rincost" 100)

Sets the rincost global data in itSolarPanelArray to 100.
Comment Very useful for setting data in design types.
The design types are
ItemType, Shipclass, StationType, Image, Sovereign, DockScreen, EncounterTable, Effect, Sound,ItemTable, and SystemType.