Functions Documentation | |
Name | sysVectorSpeed |
Syntax | (sysVectorSpeed velVector) |
Argument List | velVector - a velocity vector |
Returns | number - an integer representing a speed (in % of c) |
Category | vector operator, system |
Description | A very useful function to transform messy velVectors into human readable speeds. |
Example |
(sysVectorSpeed (objGetVel gPlayerShip)) Returns the speed the playership is travelling at (in % of c) |
Comment | Another useful wrapper function when dealing with velVectors. |
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Mod of the Month (November '24) |
Featured Mods (random) |
MegaModPack (v1.2 compatible) |
Worst Case Scenario |
Quality Mods (random) |
Auto mining device |
Balanced Mods (random) |
Visible Damage V2 |
Starlight-class cruiser |