Functions Documentation | |
Name | itmCreateRandom |
Syntax | (itmCreateRandom criteria levelDistribution) -> item |
Argument List | criteria: A string representing the criteria of the item you want to create. levelDistribution: A formated string specifying what rarity of items will appear at what level. |
Returns | A itemStruct representing the randomly picked item. |
Category | random, create, item |
Description | Creates a random item matching the criteria and the string. For a more details description of the levelDistribtion string, see |
Example |
(itmGetName (itmCreateRandom "s" "----- --c--")) Returns the name of a random shield of level 8. |
Comment | Useful for creating a item at random. Please note that the frequency in the string is the frequency of the appearing level and not the frequency of the items. Moreover itmCreateRandom doesn't pick up items with frequency "notrandom" |
Mod of the Month (January '25) |
Featured Mods (random) |
Tractor Beam |
Weapon+27 |
Quality Mods (random) |
[Xolarix] Gauntlet Heavy Cruiser |
Stalwart-class gunship |
Balanced Mods (random) |
Osaka Class Transport [In honor of Frontier 0.5] 1.1e |
Molotok-class heavy gunship |