Editors Note: Related to TypFind and itmGetTypes.
Functions Documentation | |
Name | itmEnumTypes |
Syntax | (itmEnumTypes criteria itemVar exp) -> value of last expression |
Argument List | criteria: The criteria an item must meet to be enumerated. itemVar: The name of a variable that will contain each item that we are enumerating. Does not need to be defined beforehand. exp: The expression you want to evaluate for every item that meets the criteria. It will have the item available as a UNID under the name used in `itemVar' |
Returns | Whatever the last function run in it returns. |
Category | iteration, item |
Description | For each item that meets the criteria in the game, evaluate the expression with the item's itemstruct in the itemVar. |
Example |
(itmEnumTypes "s" itemType (dbgOutput (itmGetName itemType)) ) This will display the name of every shield in the game. |
Comment | Useful if you want to go through all the items of a kind, like in identifying them. |