Functions Documentation |
Name |
itmGetActualPrice |
Syntax |
(itmGetActualPrice item) -> actual price of a single item |
Argument List |
item: The item from what you want to get the real price from. Must be an itemStruct, not a UNID |
Returns |
integer: The actual price of the object. It ignores the unknown price (like barrels before you use them all cost the same, this would see past that) |
Category |
item, cash
Description |
Returns the price of the object as if it is a known item. |
Example |
(itmGetActualPrice (itmCreate 0x4001))
This will return 20. Ok I know this isn't a helpful example but you can't use this function well in a simple example. |
Comment |
Look at the Trading Post script for a real use of this code. |