Functions Documentation | |
Name | itmGetUseScreen |
Syntax | (itmGetUseScreen item) -> screenUNID or Nil |
Argument List | item: The itemStruct of the item you want to get the use screen UNID from. |
Returns | The use screen UNID of the item, or Nil if it has none |
Category | item |
Description | Returns the use screen UNID of the item. |
Example |
(itmGetUseScreen (itmCreate 0x403E 1)) Returns the number 0x0000A00D. |
Comment | Basic get function for items. |
Mod of the Month (January '25) |
Featured Mods (random) |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows |
BattleZone |
Quality Mods (random) |
Agauptera-class yacht |
Early Teaser: Sandbox LRS |
Balanced Mods (random) |
System Map Scanner Pack 1.0 |
Brigand Playership for PSD6+ |