Cheat Codes V.85 View Mod
Master the Debug console with Cheat Codes
Never Die, Add Money, Unlimited fuel, Gate2 any system in game, kill any ship with one hit, never run out of missiles, get More of any item, Warp to any station in the system, map the whole system instantly!

new in V.85
Fint and FSint, they run at game start and system entry respectively eg (fint (block nil (shld) (fuel))) gives you unmilted fuel and a shield in every new game you start
and playerdrones create any drone from the popular mod by pm, eg (playerdrones "wolfen") then (playerdrones ##) to create the ship
mapunv maps the universe

see for more info
and for up to date command list
Categories Wingman, Quality approved, Prior Mods of the Month,
Newbie Boosts, Godmod, Featured,
Developers Vault
Author sdw195
Rating 8   2
Added (Last modified) 03.11.2011 (30.04.2012)
Game Version 1.08b
Filesize 28.13 KB
Downloads 6335
Download Download
sdw195 12.11.2011 05:39

added a few new commands

see forum post

Jose 18.11.2011 16:04

Um Dosent G.O.D Mod have all of this?

mistere 21.11.2011 04:33


sdw195 21.11.2011 05:13

it has some bits of it, no way near all of it tho

sdw195 08.12.2011 00:26

updated @ 100 dls see forum post for changlog

zack 09.02.2012 08:18

nice... is it compatible with other debug mods...

sdw195 09.02.2012 23:13

yes, it should work with any other mod!

sdw195 01.03.2012 02:50

Updated to V.75 at 287 downloads

sdw195 16.03.2012 06:48

Updated to V.80 at 325 downloads!

sdw195 14.04.2012 11:17

UPdated to V.85 at 431 downloads

Star Weaver 25.05.2012 09:06

God mod can do most of this, and some of it isn't /hard/ to do on the command line yourself like changing fleet ranks and stuff, but usually requires referencing multiple xmls and typing in hex numbers to get at the data you need to change.

Star Weaver 25.05.2012 09:08

Oh, and even with God doing some things takes a lot of fussing around and dickering with the UI multiple times. Cheat codes makes for good shortcuts. If you want to not die while testing something, (shld) is faster and more useful than adding hierosteel plate to your ship manually with GOD.

Androgeos 08.08.2012 10:43

Whenever this mod is loaded in 1.08d, this line is output into debug.log:

Unknown sub-element for ItemType: OnFireWeapon

Cygnus.X1 25.09.2012 23:52

(timestop) not working in Trans 1.08g

griffen26 03.10.2012 21:24

i cant get any of the cheats to work no matter what version of the game i use

digdug 03.10.2012 22:11

are you in debug mode ?

you have to type the cheat commands in the debug console

griffen26 04.10.2012 12:23

yes im in debug mode still wont work it says the code was actavated but it dose nothing

sdw195 20.10.2012 22:54

what exactly are you putting in the console?

Dogma 06.06.2013 21:42

having trouble getting mny to work, it just spits out a big string about nils and lambdas.

sdw195 20.06.2013 01:07

make sure you wrap the command in ()'s

101hebat 09.02.2014 08:54

Woooooooooo! thx bro

JustPasha 02.11.2015 10:58

Error parsing Extensionscheatcodes V.85.xml: Unable to open file: cheatcodes V.85.xml

why this is happen, i cant open the game

rain27 15.09.2016 17:25

can you tell me how to install this mod?

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