Lightning Sphere - Updated View Mod
Designed by Aristar Industries as a worldcraft made completely out of raw energy, the Lightning Sphere comes with a new type of armor made out of lightning itself!
Reuploaded by Digdug's request. Weapons and devices now use standard Transendence graphics, and the 1.2Mb image has been saved in the *.jpg format. Shield graphics fixed. If there are other problems, please let me know. 8-17-09 2:03pm CST - Mod updated; it is now equipped with an inertialess drive.
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 05.05.2009 (30.06.2010)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 104 KB
Downloads 1920
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digdug 06.05.2009 17:12

Darth Saber, please convert your images to jpg, you have a 1.2 Mb BMP in here, and it´s not very nice.

Also it would be nice if you could make 1 single image + mask and not multiple images like that.


Darth Saber 06.05.2009 20:54

Well Digdug, the multiple images were designed so that when stores sell the corresponding items, one would easily see that these were special. If you like, I suppose that I could use generic images for each, or one generic image for all, but that kind of defeats the idea I had of making each item unique. I did not notice the 1.2Mb bmp, I will see what I can do about converting it. Overall though, what do you think of the mod?

digdug 07.05.2009 10:00

the mod is ok, but please repack it, at least use a subfolder for the images.

Darth Saber 07.05.2009 18:38

I will modify it per your request, and will probably reupload it on Tuesday morning. Thank you for the feedback.

Prophet 12.05.2009 22:32

Very neat idea! I like the concept of a ship made of pure energy. It would make a great 'boss' enemy.

Just a couple things, the shield display isn't aligned properly, the Lightning sphere ion defense weapon doesn't display the shockwave effect.

Darth Saber 13.05.2009 17:06

Prophet, I will modify the shield display soon; the Lightning Sphere Ion Defense weapon does display the shockwave effect: fly near the sun and use it, and you will see a very thin black shockwave. I designed it this way so that the shockwave would appear invisible when used in the normal darkness of space. An invisible (or nearly so), wave of electricity which paralyzes ships.

Darth Saber 18.05.2009 20:22

Prophet, the shield graphics have been modified.

Dogma 03.08.2009 23:35

first took me nearly 30 seconds to get it down to a manageable drifting speed...try an inertialless drive or maybe make a device that slows it...

Darth Saber 17.08.2009 21:03

I have just uploaded an updated version of this mod. The Lightning Sphere is now equipped with a somewhat slower, inertialess drive. Have fun.

Kurandra 27.06.2010 11:50

I just wanted to know why i get an error that says "Unable to load image: 'LSBP.jpg'? Maybe that might help you also.

Kurandra 28.06.2010 01:51

Also I just wanted to say looks really awesome! Good job. Maybe you could make a whole race of the ships including desrtoyers, battleships, and a station sometime in the future.

Darth Saber 30.06.2010 20:06

To: Kurandra

I have checked the download file, and have corrected the errors. Please download it again, and let me know if everything is alright.

01.07.2010 02:48

Darth Saber

Yes thankyou. It works now and I haven't experienced any other problems.

Kurandra 01.07.2010 02:49

That was me. It logs out if your afk ;)

Gilipheoun 21.04.2012 18:08


Gilipheoun 21.04.2012 18:17

hmm...umm..ok so its not appearing on the ship selection before u start a game. But theres no conflicts...

0.99c and im on 1.8b, thas the problem...

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