Lightning Sphere Wingman - Updated View Mod
After its initial success with the creation of a ship out of raw energy, Aristar Industries decided to create a wingman using the same process. The LSW is equipped with a lightning turret, an Iocrym Cocoon, and lightning armor.

Updated: I discovered that the UNIDs of this mod were the same as my Eragon mod, and have corrected the error. Please download this version for error free enjoyment.
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 05.05.2009 (30.09.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 218.11 KB
Downloads 1652
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Darth Saber 30.09.2009 18:12

Attn: all Xelerus customers. The UNIDS used in my Lightning Sphere Wingman were the same as my Eragon mod. This oversight has been corrected. Please delete the verion prior to this update, and download the current / updated version for error free performance. Thank you.

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