Rin Card View Mod
Oh yes, the mod for which many have long desired and requested is here! This card will credit your Ringer account with $1 Million Rins! There is a catch however, which you must read the credits txt to discover. Reuploaded - I accidentally uploaded the original, and not the final version.
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 11.05.2009 (20.05.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 1.09 KB
Downloads 2488
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Little Modder... 16.05.2009 12:35


fanofcena 17.05.2009 06:36

err with eragon u already get this

fanofcena 17.05.2009 06:36

but still nice

Darth Saber 20.05.2009 18:27

fanofcena: I accidentally uploaded the original version of the Rin Card, and not the final version. The difference between them was in the UNIDs.

Darth Saber 20.05.2009 18:29

fanofcena: the Rin card only gives you rins, while the currency card gives you both credits and rins. Thus there is no error of having the same card with Eragon.

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