Wolfen Mk III View Mod
The Wolfen Mk III was designed by Aristar Industries for deep space exploration. Special thanks to KillKaze (see the credits.txt)
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 19.11.2009 (20.11.2009)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 3.49 KB
Downloads 2118
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Atarlost 20.11.2009 00:44

20 slots only five of which are restricted and a debug depot generator. Why isn't this in godmods?

Darth Saber 20.11.2009 20:00

Artalost, what would you suggest?

Aeonic 20.11.2009 21:23

That this be on godmods. Where you TRYING to make a balanced ship? Because frankly, for a playership the Wolfen is already very good at what it does - it doesn't need any improvements unless you're giving it a visual overhaul.

digdug 20.11.2009 21:52

in the meantime... moved.

Darth Saber 26.11.2009 15:24

Gentlemen, my purpose was to integrate a modified version of my Gem of Assistance mod with the Wolfen class gunship. When I beefed up the Wolfen a bit, I did not think my mod likely to draw such criticism. If you prefer that I remove this mod from circulation, I will do so.

Atarlost 26.11.2009 22:25

The Gem of Assistance went in Godmods, of course anything that includes it would also go there.

Orthag 31.03.2011 00:19

Everything Darth Saber makes is in some part a god mod. It's what he does.

Darth Saber 26.04.2011 18:23

Orthag, if you believe that, then try flying my Cock Shuttle...

Orthag 28.04.2011 01:27

1000 ton cargo hold is kinda god moddish.

sdw195 29.04.2011 01:54

hmm i wonder what category this mod is in... *looks at category* oh godmod, i wonder why.....

sdw195 29.04.2011 01:56

umm that comment Orthag made might have been about the other ship *looks embarrassed*

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