Aristar Industries' Gradient Freighter View Mod
Screenshot Aristar Industies' Gradient Freighter was designed for hauling cargo in less secure systems.
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 01.01.2010 (01.01.2010)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 103.57 KB
Downloads 1618
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bimbel 01.01.2010 19:24

Changed to Godmod section

Darth Saber 02.01.2010 16:08

"Digdug and Taben (a.k.a. Betel) are moderators and are entrusted with moving, editing and deleting mods!" Care to elaborate on your decision of where my mod should go?

digdug 02.01.2010 18:24

darth saber, err, bmbl is the owner, creator and maintainer of Xelerus.

bimbel 02.01.2010 18:26

I moved it because it is a godmod! A starting ship giving you late game equipment and having all it's attributes over any sense (a freigther has 200 tons and this smaller ship should carry 9k tons?) is in my opinion a godmod!

Darth Saber 05.01.2010 17:24

Please accept my apology, bimbel. I was actually trying to create a more balanced ship, than I had done previously.

Little Modder... 15.06.2010 11:07

Darth Saber, I think that the most important 'problem' is the Regen of the shield.. cause, you know, the shield in the game with the fastest regen uses 900 mw.... Also, at the aristar freighter, withh a shield of 60 hp and 600 regen (and level 1 !!) can't be used with digdug's weapon randomizer, because of these pesky corsairs with a very, very powerful shield.

But I think this is a really cool ship, besides the shield. (I didn't manage to download this, but I hope it hasn't 900000000 credits, that is very irritating, too.) And cool graphics!

Little Modder... 15.06.2010 11:08

and the armor.....

bigvan 30.11.2010 23:49

i have a bug

bigvan 01.12.2010 02:30

it says unable to load "green bolt"

Phillip 07.09.2013 17:05

Unknown image!

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