omigm-classs freighter View Mod
Screenshot A new playership, it has original graphics created in doga L3, and is equipped with a unique action that places a line of targeting reticules on the screen for better aiming.

It's a light freighter, faster than the ei500, but lighter and unable to mount as much armor or carry as much, it can have 3 weapons over the ei500's 2, and is more maneuverable.

the image was originally a heavier freighter, so it may be a bit too big on the screen, and it uses a dual laser cannon rather than the standard omni.
Categories Ship (Player), Featured, Balance approved
Author Bobby
Rating 3   0
Added (Last modified) 04.01.2010 (04.01.2010)
Game Version 1.0 RC1
Filesize 125.38 KB
Downloads 3942
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digdug 04.01.2010 15:33

sweet! thanks Bobby :D

Azar Wolf 26.01.2010 16:57

I like your design there!

You should put a ship gallery up on the forums! (sorta like aeonic did, and I have links to mine like dvelnk6)

Bobby 27.01.2010 02:31


Maybe I will put up a gallery, I do have plenty of ship graphics not doing anything right now, though I don't have time now to balance them all, or a reasonably permanent image host.

mika 15.06.2010 06:04

how do i download this


mika 15.06.2010 07:30



i tried but theres no download link

a bug???

Bobby 15.06.2010 07:36

Look for the big bold "Download" just above the comments, I can see it.

Azar Wolf 15.06.2010 14:45

Or after the mod's page's url, just add "&d=1" and then hit 'enter'

sandlike 18.08.2012 04:17

repica uhren

Tshark9999 31.03.2014 14:32

I like how there are 1413 downloads, but so far only I have given it a one up :/

RPC 01.04.2014 01:50

+1 because you reminded me >.<

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