Osaka Class Transport [In honor of Frontier 0.5] 1.1e | |
---=== This Mod is TMU version .94 enhanced! ===--- This ship first made its debut in George Moromisato's Frontier, the game that would one day bring Transcendence into creation. Original ship and ship concept, ship selection screen image; George Moromisato Re-created (in-game) graphics, xml; Wolfy (me) Images included: -Armor HUD images -Shield HUD images -Ship images (40 facings) -Ship selection image/Xelerus Screenshot ((c) George Moromisato) -TMU mod icon Changelog: -1.0 initial release -1.1 changed point of rotation to be a little more centered. -1.1a changed starting cargo mass to 75 to compensate for a bug in which Transcendence only adds 100 tons to cargo space -1.1b Updated with some compatibility stuff for future version of TMU (.94/.93b+). -1.1c Added credits list; req. 1.0RC8 -1.1d Now with a transparency-supporting bitmask, so it now has no jagged-borders -1.1e Improvements for pre 1.04 versions of transcendence |
Categories |
Quality approved, Graphics, Featured, Ship (Player), Balance approved, Recommended Mods |
Author | Azar Wolf |
Rating | 7 0 |
Added (Last modified) | 27.01.2010 (14.03.2011) |
Game Version | 1.05 |
Filesize | 274.68 KB |
Downloads | 5889 |
Download |
Yay! Great job Wolfy.
Woo! This thing is really fun to fly! :D
I'm glad you guys are enjoying it (and I'm sure george would be too)! ^^ :D
[glad that you are enjoying it, though I think he'd enjoy the ship as well, considering he DID make the original XD]
very cool :D
I will soon (this morning, or this evening) be uploading a new version that fixes the point of rotation slightly; this will get the exhaust image to line up better, and will make its turning appear more centered.
It is now updated to 1.1
I love the look of this ship; great job Wolfy!
Nice ship. Love it, but "" ?
Yeah, I know about the filename... Xelerus doesn't update mod name changes to the file name.
I vote to have this balance approved too.
You can't have more than 170 tons (70+100 = 170) and can never reach the maximum of 175 tons. Fix?
That's interesting... I never knew it got capped like that... I think I will ask george about it. I'll release a temporary patch later.
Patched to 1.1a at 62 downloads
Re-patched to 1.1a (The real 1.1a) at 72 downloads
Updated to 1.1b at 117 downloads. Update NOT NECESSARY, but recommended [no conflicts with changing, and adds some TMU functionality for future version of TMU]
This is one of the best ships I've used.....put a Hanzo+225% on it, and it's INSANE.
I think a Hanzo+225% is pretty insane already!
Updated to Osaka playership 1.1c: now requires Transcendence RC8
(RC8 at least; works with newer versions too)
Updated to version 1.1d at 1447 downloads!
Minimum version of Transcendence required: 1.0 RC8
Updated to version 1.1e at 1447 downloads
Minimum version of Transcendence required: 1.0 RC8
Due to a bug in versions of Transcendence less than 1.02, I will not be supporting this mod for pre 1.05 versions of transcendence.
I will be uploading a new version shortly with appropriate version string tweaks.
Virtually perfectly balanced ship. Looks good, plays good. Acceleration is significantly better than the freighter's, and the Osaka turns more quickly.
Slightly weak during the early game; starts with a very nice shield (same as the Wolfen), but paper armor and an underpowered main weapon. Recommend.
!!! Just found this out:
This playership has way better scanner range than virtually every other playership, vanilla or not. Using a Targeting ROM, you can pinpoint enemies from 2-3 screens away. Incredibly useful for targeting enemies from far away and for finding wrecks/crates. This discovery has cemented this ship as one of the best playerships available, in my opinion.
repica uhren
hey didn't someone clone this modand rename it the overlord mod
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