Dark Fire Arc Cannon View Mod
Developed by Aristar Industries to take down higher level capital ships, this cannon fires arcs of dark fire energy. This comes with two graphics - please see the credits.txt for more info.
Categories Godmod
Author Darth Saber
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 08.03.2010 (08.03.2010)
Game Version 0.99c
Filesize 99.96 KB
Downloads 1728
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digdug 08.03.2010 23:43

level 9 omnidirectional dark fire weapon 30hp seems a bit too much because of the intrinsic bonuses of the dark weapons. moved

StealthX 12.03.2010 06:50

Hi Darth Sabre, may I reused your graphics and code please? Thx.

Darth Saber 17.03.2010 22:40

You have my permission to do so StealthX, as long as you give me credit for those parts which you use.

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