Godmode |
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The point of this mod is to allow developers to spawn items on a whim and ignore mundane concerns such as fuel and damage. This does not have all of the features as the more widely known G.O.D. mod. Instead, this mod offers a bare bones, no frills experience in which some actions may take fewer keystrokes. This mod also includes some ridiculously overpowered items you can spawn then install. | |
Categories |
Godmod, DockScreens, Devices |
Author | PM |
Rating | 8 0 |
Added (Last modified) | 27.10.2010 (08.03.2018) |
Game Version | 1.8a1 |
Filesize | 207.07 KB |
Downloads | 4319 |
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cool... this is very well written!
PM - I am really tempted to include some of your excellent features in the next iteration of G.O.D. Would you consider that bad form? I particularly like your one stroke Restore that fixes everything.
I wouldn't. I do (well, DID) that all the time. :D
Compliments from the G.O.D. Mod master himself? This is an honor indeed.
Bad form? Are you kidding? I do not think so. Yes, you can add similar features to the venerable G.O.D. Mod if you wish. I see no reason not to.
I recommend that mod, very nice.
My favorite.
Updated at 507 downloads. Added a weapon that spawns crates full of ammo for fast and easy creation of crate bombs.
can someone help, it says my version isnt high enough,but i can not find any higher than 1.01, which is what i have.please help
New versions appear here:
The latest version is here:
Updated to 1.08b at 800 downloads. This no longer overwrites dockscreens.
Reuploaded at 819 downloads. Fixed a minor bug. No restart necessary.
Reuploaded at 856 downloads. Item fabricator offers a menu of items.
This is the ONLY godmod I use for 95% of all testing purposes. After I started using it, I stopped using the Wolfen Mark III and Prophet's Godmod Ship, which is a rough indicator of just how useful this little extension is. At only 18 KB, it has everything I need except CheatCode's perma-Defend ability.
Updated to 1.08k at 927 downloads. Replaced "Fix Ship" option with an Invulnerability toggle. While ON, it prevents damage and fixes the playership once per second.
Updated to 1.1 RC1 at 969 downloads.
Reuploaded at 1018 downloads. The invulerability toggle was moved elsewhere to avoid crowding the Ship's Interior dockscreen in v1.2.
This mod is awesome, and make moding a bit easier :)
Reuploaded at 1170 downloads.
God work!
Reuploaded at 1203. It is usable with 1.2 beta and Corporate Command. It can also enhance weapons and shields up to +65535%.
^ I remember making a modified longzhu zsphere in my mod that would enhance weapons/shields but I think it maxed out much lower than that! Like 15000% or 1500% something. I didn't know it could could go higher.
^o.O Just noticed this
"2. I've fixed the bug which allowed devices to be enhanced beyond 150%. There is now a new parameter, maxHPBonus=, which is settable for armor, weapons, and shields, to set the max possible enhancement per weapon. If the parameter is omitted, the default is 150%. [This will allow us to create, e.g., very powerful weapons whose trade-off is that they cannot be enhanced. I might want to add this to Lamplighter and increase its current damage."
I guess this goes up to 65535.
Updated to 1.2 at 1260 downloads.
Reuploaded at 1267 downloads. Now includes a star select menu.
Reuploaded at 1279 downloads. Fabricator can spawn stations in addition to items.
Updated to 1.5 at 1529 downloads. Imported discontinued mod Mining Cheat, and fixed a few bugs.
Updated to 1.6 at 1681 downloads. Added Billionaire cheat and support for all currencies.
Updated to 1.7 beta 4 at 2013 downloads. This is no longer dependent on Resource Library 912. Much of Godmode has been redone to be more like G.O.D. Work is not yet finished, but released early so that those who need a G.O.D.-like utility for D&O2: Vault of the Galaxy have one available.
I needed a G.O.D. like utility, and you released this just for me/us?!?! Thanks PM. Best... Christmas... Ever!
Updated to 1.7 at 2139 downloads. No changes beyond an apiVersion number update.
Updated to 1.8 beta 1 at 2438 downloads.
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