Functions Documentation | |
Name | objAddItemEnhancement |
Syntax | (objAddItemEnhancement obj item enhancmentItemUnid [lifetime]) -> enhancementID |
Argument List | obj: spaceobject that holds the item to enhance item: the item on the spaceobject to enhance enhancementItemUnid: the enhancement to be applied onto the object (as used by george, unid of item with 'enhancement' attribute) [lifetime]: how long the enhancement is to last |
Returns | enhancementID: the id of the applied enhancement. Used when removing the enhancement (if ever) |
Category | item, spaceobject |
Description | Allows for random enhancements, such as those seen with the crystals |
Example | |
Comment | The enhancementType is an item with an 'enhancement' attribute on it. a list on enhancement values is here:[]=enhancements#enhancements |
Mod of the Month (January '25) |
Featured Mods (random) |
Brigand Playership |
Weapon+27 |
Quality Mods (random) |
Thrusters |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows |
Balanced Mods (random) |
"PDmod" ICX Overhaul |
Northwind Equipment Pack for 1.0 |