Functions Documentation | |
Name | sovGetDisposition |
Syntax | (sovGetDisposition sovereignID targetSovereignID) -> disposition of sovereign to target |
Argument List | sovereignID: targetSovereignID: |
Returns | disposition of sovereign to target |
Category | sovereign |
Description | Used to get the dispositions of sovereigns. |
Example |
taken from &stFerianColony;
(if (and aOrderGiver (objCanAttack aOrderGiver) (not (eq (sovGetDisposition &svFerianMiners; (objGetSovereign aOrderGiver)) 'friend)) ) (block Nil (objIncData gSource "attackLevel" 2) (if (or (not (objGetObjRefData gSource "lastAttacker")) (leq (random 1 100) 50) ) (objSetObjRefData gSource "lastAttacker" aOrderGiver) ) ) ) |
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