Midst of Dragons View Mod
Screenshot Midst of Dragons takes a few things and kind of makes them different.
It is hard to think of what to say, but I like missions, mining and adventure for my character : this pretty much adds that : I toughened up some ships, made things a little more of a challenge.

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IF you ran into an error : please download a fresh copy and return to your game, I am trying to find anything I might have missed and updating the extension If I find anything.

I was alerted to the Sung Bug : should be fixed, seems I set off a glitch that I thought I was fixing....sorry.

.txt file to explain what this extension does : sorry..BUT exactly how it plays out in YOUR game will vary. this has a few treats along the way : those that know me know that if I have a simple rule with my .xml : "it's ok to kill the player" so keep a space suit in your ship, watch out for the big ships and the rest will be fine
Categories Challenge
Author Shane Filomena
Rating 1   0
Added (Last modified) 01.05.2016 (01.06.2016)
Game Version 1.7a1
Filesize 3.64 MB
Downloads 1352
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Kaama 30.05.2016 14:28

Couldnt get missions from destroyers.

when tried to loot slave cofins from sung slave camp , all those wanted to give me plenty of them separately and it was looped and i had to terminate game.

Kaama 30.05.2016 14:29

Would be nice to have some txt file atached with more details what exactly this mod is doing, otherwise quite interesting.

Shane Filomena 31.05.2016 16:56

Destroyers have entry criteria: and mission criteria... at times I could not even get a mission, but they do work.

Sung dockscreen: I will look into that

Shane Filomena 01.06.2016 03:56

Sung should be repaired now

Kaama 01.06.2016 11:35

also there is very little taikon/ ringers/teratons and 0 reismaiser manufactures in your mod

Shane Filomena 03.06.2016 14:54

Midst of Dragons does carry a few things to " beef up " a faction, but it does not prevent station generation.

Every game in Transcendence is different, only in the scripted systems do you get the boring , yet safe "same old, same old"

Shane Filomena 05.06.2016 00:50

go to the Medical Center in STK..even if you skip the "mission" the extension is about, buy some flowers.

Also: stop at the Hotel : get a meal.

check out the community boards in the Tavern if you find one.

Shane Filomena 23.03.2017 06:09

The Purpose of the Tavern : to give you a shot - or another shot at getting a Wing such as Rama or Jenna

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