version 0.7 resources [all resources] View Mod
For those of you who have been wondering what .7 had in it, this is your answer!
The .7 resources also includes a station graphic that no longer exists in any of the recent versions! :D
Categories Sources
Author Azar Wolf
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 05.06.2009 (05.06.2009)
Game Version 0.95
Filesize 3.72 MB
Downloads 1443
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Darth Saber 05.06.2009 19:38

Has version 7 been released then?

Azar Wolf 05.06.2009 19:40

Oops... I meant to say "version 0.7"- I'll fix that in the title right now!

Darth Saber 05.06.2009 19:42

Which is Version 0.7?

Darth Saber 05.06.2009 19:42

And where can I obtain a copy?

Azar Wolf 05.06.2009 19:44

version 0.7 is the very first edition of transcendence.

you may find the complete download here:

(kudos to fossaman for the link!)

Darth Saber 05.06.2009 19:49

Thanks, Azar Wolf. I figured that Anacreon was the first version; glad to know that there is another.

Azar Wolf 05.06.2009 19:53

Anacreon was a totally sepparate game- George did recylce a few of the graphics from that game into transcendence though (like the tripoli, stargate, and battlepod)

There is also a game (Frontier) by George that was the true predecessor to transcendence. It can be found here:

Darth Saber 05.06.2009 20:03

Ah, yes, I had almost forgotten about Frontier; thanks for reminding me.

digdug 05.06.2009 21:01

mmmhhh, the only real thing that is not available in 0.99c is the asteroid with the red hole in stations2.jpg, but that is found until 0.96a.

What am I missing ?

Azar Wolf 05.06.2009 21:24

I haven't had time to run through every bit of the source code or images however:

- a number of the ship images have slightly different variations than what is currently in existence.

- there may be some hidden gems back there... you never know what might be hidden away in those past versions (such as that old blocky EI100 image)

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