Encounter Expansions View Mod
Screenshot Expands on minor-race Encounters. These work independently of each other (use one, more, or all at once) and should work with most other mods.

Adds, enhances, randomizes, and generally has fun with encounters for Penitents, Himal, Abbasid, Huari, Outlaws, Anarchists, Luminous, Makayev, Ventari, Ranx, and Sung.

23 DEC 2009 - Initial release.
16 JAN 2010 - Added Outlaws and Anarchists.
08 FEB 2010 - Added Luminous. Balanced previous encounters.
14 SEP 2011 - Added Makayev cruiser and Ventari.
01 DEC 2011 - Added Ranx and Sung.
02 AUG 2012 - Removed Salvagers. Added Huari.
Categories Station
Author TheLastBrunnenG
Rating 6   0
Added (Last modified) 23.12.2009 (02.08.2012)
Game Version 1.08d
Filesize 264.27 KB
Downloads 2650
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digdug 23.12.2009 23:12

very good job, this will nicely spice up some encounters for experienced players :D

TheLastBrunnenG 17.01.2010 05:03

Yes, the Anarchist Hangar graphic is the Junkyard Office from Homeworld. It uses a modified OnDestroy event based on the Pteravore station to spawn a swarm of Hornets that chase the player if the Hangar is destroyed.

Blitz 17.01.2010 09:44

Odd..I don't get the anarchists when I dl this.

This is all I get:


TheLastBrunnenG 18.01.2010 03:37

Fixed! Re-uploaded with a working, verified ZIP.

Blitz 18.01.2010 04:08

Downloads fine. Thanks.

Little Modder... 18.01.2010 15:20

<<wow, nice>>

digdug 24.01.2010 04:14

TheLastBrunnenG, please write in the description of your mod what are you overriding (like the penitent cannon) otherwise this can lead to incompatibilities of some mods.

TheLastBrunnenG 26.01.2010 06:38

OK, I will add more detail to the next version of the readme.txt. Actually I don't overwrite or alter the Absolution cannon itself, though I did upgrade some Penitent ships and stations to Dual or Heavy versions.

TheLastBrunnenG 10.02.2010 05:06

Added on 9 February 2010:

Luminous - Drones now spawn with damage-appropriate shields up to and including Positron and Plasma shields. Assemblers now drop a new type of mnemonic processor (with custom graphic).

Also balanced some of the previous encounters.

Portions of the standard game overwritten: almost all stations, encounters, and ships for the groups involved.

Azmond 01.05.2011 07:29

I LOVE poking the hornet's nest! i try to race the swarm and see how far i can get before i have to kill them! they get annoying and can be well... deadly sometimes >>;

Marcus 14.06.2011 00:18

I love this addition! It makes my game more brain wracking. With the mods that I have installed, I would like to see someone try a permadeath with this, foomerians, lucidi, and idk I got a lot of mods on my 1.05 version. Not the Siom one though thats not completed.

TheLastBrunnenG 20.06.2011 05:26

Thanks! I'd like to expand this soon. There are so many Transcendence factions that aren't developed at all or from which we see just a station and one or two ships.

Shane Filomena 22.06.2011 01:28

I like this but one thing I really like it trying to test out something FORGETTING that this mod is in there: my creations get their stripes or die :) this is nice, I enjoy it:)

Shane Filomena 22.06.2011 01:29

oh: I love the tiny salvager: I misplaced it once and went ballistic because I thought it got killed..then realized it was not in the game ..LOL

jcgonz 13.01.2012 14:37

Hello, I get the error invalid UNID 19200b

WillyTheSquid 12.02.2012 12:40

Where's the Salvager in the XML files? Want to disable it, as suggested in the readme file, but I can't find it.

TheLastBrunnenG 02.08.2012 22:43

Added Huari, removed the Salvager.

RPC 26.08.2012 19:53

Nice job with the Makayev Cruiser TheLastBrunnenG! :D

I love it!


Androgeos 11.09.2012 08:39

I'd ask you why you removed the Salvagers from this mod, but this other mod one-ups it: http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=900

The larger Anarchist battlepod seems to have its thrusters placed slightly behind the back of the ship sprite. Is this intentional?

RPC 12.09.2012 06:19

George changed how the thrusters work in an earlier version so that they don't look off (like on the Dwarg master in previous versions). This change might have affected the mod.



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