TZ-100 freighter View Mod
Screenshot The TZ-100 Freighter. Original model by T.Slanitz, graphics for Transcendence by TazzMann.

40 facings with 4-segment armor, it comes with standard equipment and a 60 ton cargo hold expandable to 150. Can handle a total of 8 devices 3 of which can be weapons.

v1 - Tested in trans1.05 and 1.01
v1.2 -(7-25-20) updated for trans 1.8
v1.3 -(7-25-20) better balanced and updated to work with Eternity Port
v1.3a -(7-27-20) tweaked a bit more for balance and converted to .tbd file
v1.4 -(7-28-20) fixed unid error and more balance tweaks, increased max armor - at 1554 downloads
Categories Ship (Player)
Author TazzMann
Rating 2   0
Added (Last modified) 30.03.2011 (29.07.2020)
Game Version 1.08
Filesize 513.26 KB
Downloads 2127
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TazzMann 30.03.2011 11:01

Hope you all enjoy this. Let me know of any possible problems or balance issues.

Azmond 30.03.2011 21:57

dang that is a good looking ship,like the graphic. But i noticed that while turning it at some point near the 4 o'clock postion, the nose facing where four might be, one of the wing sides gets a blue rod. overall though it works like a charm; great job!

TazzMann 30.03.2011 23:29

Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoyng it. As for the wing, there is actually a blue stripe on each wing. They just don't show up very well when scaled down for the game.

StealthX 01.04.2011 10:50

Wow, this ship is awesome! Looks like a warship rather than a freighter.

Lokasenna 30.04.2011 20:44

*cough* Deep Space Nine much? *cough*

Not that I'm complaining, since the model is well done. Downloading now.

IceMephit 29.05.2011 02:30

I like it!!!

And it looks really cool too!!

TazzMann 06.06.2011 02:19

Ah, so that's where it is from. I couldn't remember if it was from Star Wars or Star Trek so I was unable to give the ship it's designated name.

Anyway, I'm glad people are liking it.

Star Weaver 04.05.2012 00:26

It does look like a DS9 runnabout in shape, but the body is vastly different (does not look like a starfleet model aside from sharing the shape of one )

TazzMann 25.07.2020 10:27

updated for v1.8

TazzMann 27.07.2020 08:10

updated for better balance and to work with Eternity Port, at 1551 downloads

TazzMann 27.07.2020 22:18

tweaked a bit more for balance and converted to .tbd file

TazzMann 29.07.2020 07:38

fixed unid error and more balance tweaks, increased max armor - at 1554 downloads

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