Autons Extended 3+1 View Mod
Screenshot The latest version of Autons Extended. The zip includes two folders: the 3-part modpack, with Autons Extended Standard and Advanced, plus the Convoy Encounters, and a new "AE-lite" sampler pack that is a kind of "best-of". The are some overlapping UNIDs in all the mods, but the sampler autons have their own UNIDs so you can run everything together. Also, in the AE-lite version, the Convoy Encounters use only regular autons, none of the extended ones. To help run the Convoy Encounters, two stations are added: a new Ice Barn, and the previously introduced Advanced Auton Dealer.

This took me a long time to put all together, so I sincerely hope there are no bugs; however, feel free to correct any minor errors as I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload again. Many thanks to all who have helped me, and as always, Enjoy!
Categories Auton
Author DOSBox-gamer
Rating 0   0
Added (Last modified) 31.08.2011 (31.08.2011)
Game Version 1.01
Filesize 50.22 KB
Downloads 1654
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DOSBox-gamer 31.08.2011 22:57

One thing I never did figure out was how to keep the Convoys' Autons from showing up in the player's squadron list. You can't order them to do anthing, of course, but they still show up in your squadron list. I don't know if this can be fixed with more modding or not. Either way I suspect such scripting would be beyond my skills.

DOSBox-gamer 02.09.2011 19:52

I should mention, the Auton Encounters includes both friendly convoy encounters (i.e. the freighter names above), and hostile outlaw/rogue encounters. In both cases, the Ice Barn (needed for CM-level systems) tends to come up only infrequently, so you may want to re-weight its frequency. I also reworked the (Amphion-class) Auton Command Carrier encounter to be more balanced.

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